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Through thorough data analysis, Fresno County selected its priority populations: children aged 0-5 years and 11-15 years, specifically Black, American Indian families, and Latino and pregnant and parenting foster youth. Fresno demonstrated thoughtful planning by diligently selecting prevention strategies and services that are culturally appropriate to meet the needs of their prioritized populations. When selecting their EBPs, they considered these services’ effectiveness in their prioritized population. They chose Motivational Interviewing (cross-cutting case management), Parents and Teachers, and Functional Family Therapy as their EBPs. Furthermore, Fresno County was able to apply the Tribal input by incorporating prevention services that mitigate Tribal leaders’ and Tribal representatives’ identified needs. Fresno County selected prevention services such as the Tribal Partner, differential response for Tribal Communities, and plans to enhance and coordinate services provided to the Tribal community. Read the Fresno Comprehensive Prevention Plan.