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San Luis Obispo

The vision for San Luis Obispo County’s Child & Family Wellness Collaborative’s comprehensive prevention plan is effective partnerships across community partners committed to implement Motivational Interviewing to help support youth and families while providing prevention services across San Luis Obispo County, while ensuring families take the actions necessary to change their behavior to help reduce child abuse and neglect. Their target populations are at risk youth ages 12-17, pregnant and parenting youth, and homeless youth countywide as well as children, youth and families in the North County region. San Luis Obispo County’s comprehensive prevention services include: the use of Motivational Interviewing as a cross-cutting case management practice; expanding Services Affirming Family Empowerment (SAFE) System of Care, including hiring a SAFE System of Care Coordinator; hiring a Primary & Secondary Prevention Coordinator; targeted services and outreach to youth ages 12-17; and evidence-based parenting curricula for parents of children who have developmental delays. The SAFE System of Care is a robust plan for collaboration, safety and risk assessment, model fidelity and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).  Read the San Luis Obispo Comprehensive Prevention Plan