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Can the child welfare agency independently opt in to receive federal Title IV-E FFPS funding as the lead agency? If so, will this still require a probation contact person and their signature on the LOI?

Yes, the child welfare agency can opt in as the lead agency. However, comprehensive prevention planning should include cross sector collaboration. As such, the probation department should remain as part of the comprehensive prevention planning process.

If the child welfare agency has determined that they will not participate as the lead agency, the probation department can serve as the county’s lead agency for comprehensive prevention planning.

Probation departments that serve as the lead agency for purposes of submitting the CPP must ensure that they remain in consultation with other relevant county agencies that serve families and children, Indian Tribes, local community representatives, caseworkers, and individuals with lived experience with the child welfare system as well as comply with the requirements and deadlines of the FFPS Program.

The CDSS will provide additional technical assistance and support to probation departments who are designated as lead for the CPP to ensure that all requirements are met.