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Invisible Individuals and Systemic Racism: What Can You Do to Be Anti-Racist? 


This training was presented on
January 5, 2023




Anti-Racism, Systemic Racism, Critical Race Theory. These are concepts and ideas that most of us did not encounter in our training. Once encountered, a valid question is, “What can I as an individual do about a problem so longstanding and so big?” This workshop will be a conversation with the group regarding that singular question. What can we, as one person, do to be anti-racist, to support and even advocate for not just the person in front of us but also for our communities?


Participants will:

  • Discuss the more recent terms used for this conversation and why this is important.
  • Learn micro-level strategies for working with families.
  • Learn community-level strategies.


Who should attend: All staff of family resource center (FRCs), child abuse prevention councils (CAPCs), and other child- and family-serving organizations.






Dr. Michael Gomez is Clinical Instructor at Bradley Hospital, Lifespan Institute, a teaching hospital for the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. He was previously director of the Adversity and Resilience Community Center (ARCC), a child trauma behavioral health clinic in Texas where he was also Adjunct Professor at Texas Tech University Psychological Sciences; the Texas Tech University College of Education; and the TTUHSC School of Nursing. He was previously faculty at the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect/Child Study Center Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the Oklahoma University Health and Sciences Center.

Dr. Gomez specializes in Trauma-Focused CBT, treatment of adolescents with problematic sexual behaviors (PSB), PCIT, TARGET, and assessment of autism spectrum disorders. He is a Nationally Certified TF-CBT Trainers and a Nationally Certified CE-CERT Trainer, a model for addressing burnout and vicarious trauma in providers. He is a co-chair for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s (NCTSN) Trauma and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Workgroup.




Psychologist, Bradley Hospital, Lifespan Institute
Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University