Effectively Welcoming LGBTQIA+ Youth Into Our Work
9:00 – 11:00 A.M. PT
May 14, 2025
CEUs available!
More information below.
Issues around sexual orientation and/or gender identity are often left unexplored in our child-serving organizations and agencies. Research shows us, however, that LGBTQIA+ youth often face increased levels of risk of harm by others and to themselves. Learn how to effectively engage this underserved population through conscious use of language, self-reflection, and inclusive organizational policies. The discussion will include an overview and identification of the physical and emotional stressors experienced by this population. There will also be an exploration of the cultural and institutional dynamics that reinforce this abuse. A strength-based approach will be emphasized throughout the discussion within an environment that will support individuals to explore their own thoughts, beliefs, and values as it relates to this population.
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding and be able to identify at least 3 specific risk factors for LGBTQIA+ youth
- Be able to describe 3 specific strategies they may employ in their work settings to create a more welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ youth.
- Be able to name at least 3 national or local resources for this population
Who should attend: Staff of family resource centers (FRCs), child abuse prevention councils (CAPCs), community-based organizations, and other child- and family-serving systems.
- This is an interactive training. Please be prepared to participate in activities such as group discussions, breakout rooms, and/or demonstrations. Your training experience will be best with the use of a webcam, audio, and a training environment conducive to active participation.
- This training will be recorded. The recording will be available to registered learners within 2 days of the training.
- California privacy laws mandate consent for recording conversations using AI applications. To ensure a respectful and secure learning environment for all participants, AI assistants are not allowed in CalTrin training. We value an accessible learning environment. If you require an accommodation to support your learning, please email us at least three business days before the training.
- By registering for a CalTrin training, you consent to be added to the CalTrin mailing list.
CEU Credit Details:
This course meets the qualifications for 2.0 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Chadwick Center For Children and Families, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego (Provider #75651) is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Chadwick Center For Children and Families, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.
Al Killen-Harvey has worked at the Chadwick Center at Rady Children’s Hospital for over 31 years as a practicing trauma treatment therapist, Clinical Improvement Coordinator, Reflective Supervisor and trainer. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker, he is also the co-founder of The Harvey Institute, a training and consultation company whose mission is improving health care outcomes through the integration of sexual health. Their work received the 2022 “William Friedrich Lectures Series” Award given by the Mayo Clinic for its’ innovative work in bridging the gap between sexual trauma and sexual health.
He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Children’s Advocacy Centers of California and additionally is the co-chairperson of the Sexual Health subcommittee for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (and previously served as co-chairperson of its’ Cultural Consortium). He has served as an expert witness for the United States Army and the San Diego District Attorney’s Office in the prosecution of sexual abuse cases. He is also a recipient of the Community Collaborators Award given by the San Diego LGBT Center.