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When will automation for FFPS services become available? *This question and response was updated as of August 2023.

Development of limited functionality of FFPSA Part I to enable Title IV-E claiming was considered for early release in CWS-CARES version 1.  In July 2022, the Board of Directions voted that such an early release was not feasible.  As such, functionality for FFPSA Part I will still be included in CWS- CARES version.  CARES Version 1 (V1) will replace and retire CWS/CMS and will go-live in October of 2026. 

Until CARES automation, Title IV-E agencies  will not be able to draw federal Title IV-E prevention funds for individual client specific expenses.  Administrative costs, however, will be reportable and can be claimed as federal Title IV-E expenditures using the claiming codes outlined in CFL No. 21-22-110