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Through collaboration with other county agencies, community-based organizations, Tribes, and those with lived experience, Kern County Department of Human Service’s Comprehensive Prevention Plan includes a robust plan to implement and expand primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs that will provide support to underserved populations countywide. Most notable is Kern County’s engagement with the Tejon Tribe of California and the Tübatulabal Tribe and partnership with the Bakersfield American Indian Health Project to fund a Family Advocate for Tribal families in Kern County. Families with children, ages 0-5, with a Substantiated or Inconclusive Disposition of a child abuse or neglect allegation, but no case opened and an SDM tool indicating a child is at imminent risk of entering foster care, will be the candidacy population for FFPSA Prevention Services. All families with children 0-5, who are referred and open cases in Voluntary Family Maintenance will also be included in the candidacy population, as well as pregnant and parenting foster youth. Parents as Teachers is the EBP providing services to Kern’s candidacy population. Read the Kern Comprehensive Prevention Plan.