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The Kings County CPP indicates an initial FFPS candidacy population of children aged 0-5 years, specifically children of color, was identified.  The county also included pre- or post-natal infants and/or children of otherwise eligible pregnant/parenting foster youth in foster care.  Kings County intends to explore expanding the priority population definition based upon future program evaluation.  The EBPs chosen to meet the community needs are Parents as Teachers (PAT), Nurturing Parenting, Supporting Father’s Involvement, and Home Visiting Program. 


Kings County developed an innovative strategy, the LISA Project, to enhance and raise awareness about prevention.  The LISA Project is a free, unique, multi-sensory exhibit that allows the participant to experience the reality of the world of child abuse. This experience allows the participant to be fully immersed in the world that these children face daily.   Kings County also constructed a Prevention and Support Unit to provide a community pathway that will allow eligible families to voluntarily seek services without the stigma attached with court-ordered intervention. Read the Kings County Comprehensive Prevention Plan.