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Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz County has established a governance structure that enables all cross-sector collaborative partners to participate in meaningful discussions and partners remain consistently engaged in…


Marin County’s Comprehensive Prevention Plan agenda is centered on primary and secondary prevention activities that uplift the social determinants of health which is key to…


Merced County developed a CPP that selected the candidate population and correlating services by reviewing the local data, hosting large stakeholder events to get feedback,…

Yurok Tribe

Yurok Tribe completed a thorough data analysis and assessment process which aligned directly with the selection of evidence-based practices. In addition, to an assessment of…


The Sierra County Children and Family Well-being Network is committed to providing services that reduce and prevent child abuse through primary and secondary prevention programs…

San Bernardino

San Bernardino presented an innovative means to incorporate the Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) into their prevention community pathways. The CPP identified and outlined the…


Riverside County child welfare initiated a prevention framework in the year, 2020.  This framework was based upon data collected during their Comprehensive and Timely Investigations…


Ventura County’s blueprint for wellness, based on the Integrated Core Practice Model, features a place-based approach. Through alignment and integration of public system and community…