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Hear what your colleagues have to say about CalTrin’s impact on their everyday work with children and families in California.





If you have participated in CalTrin training as either a learner or presenter, we invite you to share your experience. Through our online platform, you will be asked a single question about your experience and can easily record your answer from your desktop computer, laptop, or mobile phone! All participants who submit an audio or video testimonial will receive a CalTrin writing folio.

Thank you in advance for sharing how CalTrin training positively contributes to your professional development goals. If you have questions, please contact us at


I’ve been doing this work for a very long time and this was such a beautiful and short refresher that managed to hit all the marks and helps me make sure I hit my marks.   

from the Self Paced-Course: Trauma, Parenting, & Challeging Behavior (School-Age)

Me encantan los temas porque son buenos recursos para los padres y enseñanzas para mi desarrollo professional.

from Parental Resilience (Protective Factor of the Month training series)

I’ve been to MANY trainings and the presenter, Jessica is excellent. She is on the top of my list of presenters that I would sign up for over and over again. She is talented and motivated me to continue to be the best leader I can be. Thank you Jessica & CALTRIN!

from Boundary Spanning Leadership

I really enjoyed all the reflection questions and the wonderful team-building activities that were suggested!

from the Self-Paced Course: Leading Through Change

This training was engaging in such a meaningful way!…The trainer was so knowledgeable and approachable and helped me feel well-equipped to bring awareness to my client’s social connections or lack thereof.

from Expanding Social Supports to Achieve Better Outcomes

This was a wonderful training and a great first step to help organizations like mine to work on whole-person care/trauma-informed care to [for] our clients and ourselves.

from Trauma-Informed Care 101: Understanding Your Role in Creating a Trauma-Informed Environment




In December 2022, we conducted our second Needs Assessment survey. We received responses from more than 200 child- and family-serving professionals across California. The Needs Assessment Summary shares the results of the 2022 survey, including key highlights about the training we have delivered so far and how we plan to use what we’ve learned.  


Read the Summary